My goal was to post this first blog on 2/1/14 because that was the
day all 7 of my children (5 from birth; 2 by marriage), threw the most
incredible party of our 40 years. It was called “The 70/40
Celebration,” in honor of my husband’s 70th birthday (in January) and our 40th
wedding anniversary (on February 16th). However, the whole month
before this great event was filled with family, friends, completing a 3 year
old project and cleaning out my upstairs rooms to accommodate family
This is the pattern for Norah S. Reed:
#1: God First; I am a
woman who loves God and has confessed Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior; a
woman who loves life & celebrating at the end of a hard day’s work;
passionate about the people she has encountered and always, ALWAYS, in All Ways
striving to CONNECT with the people in my life.
#2: A wife. Blessed at a
very young age to meet and marry her soul-mate, her one-true-love, her best
friend (I think Hallmark stole my idea) and devote her life to becoming
one with this man. He is an exception…he has proven this repeatedly over the last 40 years.
He is a passionate student: of God, His Word, Life, History, Government,
Politics, People (in that order). He
knew when he married me (& he made it very clear) that this would be a
one-time thing. “If you have any doubts about marrying me, tell me now, because I will not
willingly ‘give’ you a divorce.” I never doubted; well, I may have doubted
several times, but I quickly changed my mind, because every time I would pray
about him and our upcoming wedding day, I’d say, “God, if you have to slam the door so hard that it knocks
me out, DO NOT LET ME HURT THIS MAN; and, do not let me SCREW UP MY LIFE by
leaving the best thing that ever happened to me.”
#3: I am the Mother of 5
incredible children. After 6 years of
marriage, my husband and I decided we were ready to start a family. 3 months
later I was pregnant with our first born.
We proceeded to have 5 children in 8 years and 4 months. They are the pattern of our
quilt: each one uniquely different and equally brilliant. My marriage and my
family, are what I consider my greatest accomplishment in Life, because they
are the only passions that have constantly held my A.D.D. mind. I have never
grown tired (weary at times) or bored with this 40 years of my life. So, this
is not only my greatest accomplishment, but possibly theirs! The fact that they are now marrying and my family is growing is another reason I am never bored. The quilt is growing and it is cozy.
#4: I serve people. This, I consider a privilege. My heart is always to serve in hefty helpings: acceptance,
great and plentiful food, drink, music, fun. I count it the greatest gift to
be able to love and rally together the beautifully unique and varied people who God
places in my life. Again, I have never
been bored and I have learned a great deal. God packages some of His greatest
blessings in people from every arena in Life; often in ways I would never expect…and I have had the privilege to
call them my friends and in many cases, family.
#5: I love to work
‘heartily as unto the Lord.’ (Colossians 3:23); which brings us back to #1. (Are you hearing "DO-RE-ME” in your head?). Lover of
music (I recognize wonderful music when I hear it, but at this moment cannot
play ANY instrument. I’m working on learning the piano (another blog); I love books, I love movies. I have a
wonderful job which allows me to serve people every day. I am the voice they
reach instead of a taped message. I am the person who returns their calls, even
if it is at the end of a very long day. I am the one who will listen to their
story and have the authority to make calls on their behalf. I work for a man who has dedicated this
portion of his life to serving the people who put him there. His priorities are the same as mine: God,
Family, Service. How rich am I to not have to constantly explain myself? Wealth was exchanged for this gift and I have no regrets.
#6: I haven’t mentioned
“Country,” yet. This is a love that I discovered after being married to
my husband for several years. Though I was raised in a family that had a
father and 2 uncles who served our country, somehow that passion didn't grow until much later in life. I have often told my husband I
would have been his nightmare student. I fell asleep during (riveting) lectures
about our forefathers, our constitution, our founding. I was the kid who would
sit slumped in her seat, head in hand, doodling instead of taking notes; eyes half open, snapping myself awake
when the drool started to dribble down my chin. I had no interest, time or
desire to learn about something that happened so many years before
my time. That is, until I married a man who bled red, white and blue. My husband didn't bore me with statistics, dates or numbers. He introduced me to men and
women who laid their lives on the line so that I could be free. I “met” these
men and women who sacrificed and would simply not give up because they believed
in Freedom. When I realized that my husband
could no more give this up than he could his right hand, I was faced with the choice of “leading, following or getting
out of the way,” and that changed my destiny. He never served an ultimatum, I just knew that we were growing in different directions. If I
were to continue to have the exciting conversations that I had grown accustomed
with my husband, then I, too, would have to jump on the band wagon. I prayed.
And God not only changed my heart but He opened a door for a career change and I walked through. My husband and I have some of the most electrifying conversations
we have ever had, not because we agree on every subject, but because we enjoy the
differences. I am finding my voice and learning to support my beliefs. THAT is my God. THAT is
His love for me, my family and my life. Change IS possible.
THIS is Norah S. Reed. Welcome to my world. I look forward to getting to know you and would enjoy reading your views as I share mine.
p.s. I know nothing about quilting...just that I love the end result!

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ReplyDeleteYou have been a dear friend for years and you are much like a quilt. So many different friends from different times in your life, different colors in personalities and all the hats you've worn. Put them all together and it's like a big cozy quilt that your years have sown together.
ReplyDeleteGlad you've started writing again and hope you continue because your a great writer and we've begged you for years !!
Love to you !
So proud of you! :)
ReplyDeleteYou are a great teacher! Thank you for all of your help. I'm sure I'll need more.