who believes in God has someone in their life who guesses at the reason they
could believe so firmly in something that can’t be experienced through the five
senses. God is everywhere in my life; He
surpasses the senses realm. He is my answer for everything.
“For my thoughts are not your
thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are
higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts
than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8,9; KJV)
gave us a blue print. He didn’t just put us here on Earth and leave us to our
own devices. He gave us His Word, which he placed above his own name. One of my favorite ministers once said,
“Asking ‘Why,’ is like driving down the street looking through the rear view
mirror. The past is past. Good or bad. Leave it where it belongs: behind you.”
if you were to ask me, “Why God?” I would say, “Because He is my answer for
everything.” And, if you were to tell me that you ask, “Why, God?” I would say,
“Give it up. Rather than spend your time asking ‘why,”’ask ‘how.’” How can I
make the changes I need to make? How can I improve this situation? How can I help? The answer is because we are
His and he has fully equipped us.

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